Classics & Novelties
The "best of the best" from our childhood!
Here is where we keep those amazing little toys that remind us of our childhood. This is also where we keep those we believe might become classics! Do you remember Jacob's Ladder, Magic Goo balloons, crystal sets, super dome poppers, Slinkys and light-up yo-yos?
Having stood the test of time, these toys don't disappoint and simply don't lose appeal over time. They make excellent gifts for both adults looking for a nostalgia hit, or kids who can discover them for the first time.
We really try to find the original brand ... the manufacturer who started the craze. We hunt high and low to bring you the very same item you may have owned as a child, or as close as we can. We also look for toys we believe will become icons for the next generation ... the toys they'll tell their kids about and keep in the "nostalgia box" themselves.
What are the best classic & novelty toys?
Try to find the real McCoy! Sometimes this is not possible, and sometimes our memory doesn’t serve us well. Consider these factors before you buy any classic toys online in Australia.
Authentic or Fake : Plagiarism is the greatest compliment they say … but so often copies and fakes don’t deliver. In a world obsessed with making more for less, corners are cut, materials are compromised … and even worse, our classic toys are made smaller to save money. Look for the original brands, and say a big NO to the cheap toy home-brands that fill the shelves of large retailers.
Safety : We’ve looked after this for you by only offering products that comply with Australian safety standards.
Age Appropriate : It’s very tempting to give your child a toy just like what you had … but wait until they’re ready. Not only will they more likely be able to enjoy it, but they’ll be safer. Resist giving your toddler a bow and arrow set like you had when you were 8 years old!
Be Realistic : We’ve all done it … we’ve given a gift that we treasured as a child … then found the child uninterested. Our memories play tricks on us, so be mindful of your child’s preferences and temperament. Maybe just buy the toy for yourself!
Rainbow Paper Sabre
House of Marbles$2.95Give it a flick and watch this rainbow-coloured Paper Sabre shoot out and spring back! It's hard to explain, but the paper ribbon is wound around s...
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Mini Magic Art
House of Marbles$2.95Do you remember these from your childhood? We recall using these at school to replace blackboards. Create a picture & wipe it away in one swipe...
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Sold out
Little Box of Marbles
House of Marbles$7.95A great starter set of marbles and a wonderful stocking filler. The little retro-inspired box contains a bag of assorted marbles, a cotton bag and ...
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Space Projector - 3 discs
House of Marbles$13.95Turn your bedroom into an instant tiny observatory! Turn off the lights, turn on your torch, and select a disk. As you cycle through the slides, yo...
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Slide Whistle
House of Marbles$6.95The slide whistle is a classic toy, and often found in either wood or metal. Blowing's the easy bit ... moving the little plunger in and out change...
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Fortune Telling Fish
House of Marbles$3.50Place this little fish on your hand and wait. Within moments, it will begin to move and curl, and the shape and movement predict your mood and fate...
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Marble Games with Dice and Goals
House of Marbles$14.50A great set of lovely marbles, a miniature wooden archboard & instructions for lots of fun games. Learn to play the traditional way. This is a ...
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Tub of Marbles with Bag - 50 pcs
House of Marbles$26.50Our everlasting best seller. This tub contains 50 of the world’s best marbles!A marvellous mixture of toy marbles with a cotton bag, dice & gam...
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Sold out
House of Marbles$11.95Possibly one of the silliest instruments ever invented, but totally brilliant – anyone can be musical with our easy-to-use Kazoo! Small enough to k...
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Sold out
House of Marbles$12.50An all time favourite, our Harmonica is the perfect instrument for beginner musicians. This is a full sized mouth-organ measuring about 100mm long ...
View full details$12.50Sold out